

A Circumstance Away:
A portion of Envibrance Dream Apparel sales will go towards charitable causes. Visit The Global Orphan Project for information on how you can directly help build orphanages and villages and help those who are in need.

Below are other charities we support & trust (we are not directly affiliated with these organizations).

– HopeMob is exactly what it sounds like – a mob of people bringing hope. Just as Flash Mobs dance and bring spontaneous joy and laughter, HopeMob will bring caring strangers together to create sudden, yet organized relief and hope all over the world! We see a need and swarm it! Together…we are POWERFUL!

Sevenly – Across the globe, there are thousands of charities in every category imaginable. 74% of worthy, much needed charities, go out of business every single year. The problem is a lack of awareness, funding, and following. Sevenly was formed to help these charities by selling Tee’s to raise awareness, increase following and provide additional funding. Join our cause!